Almost 80% fear further energy price hikes - EnergyShiftDaily

Almost 80% fear further energy price hikes

Consumers fear more energy price rises ahead with 53% doubting the growth of renewables will happen quick enough to help.

As Ofgem’s price cap rose by 1.2% at the start of this month, 79% fear further energy price hikes, with average bills remain £700 higher than in winter 2020/21.

So says fuel poverty coalition Warm This Winter – who have conducted survey of attitudes to energy policies and the current economic outlook. Its findings are gloomy.

Nearly three-quarters (74%) worry about global energy price instability over the next five years. Two-thirds (67%) are concerned about the UK’s dependence on oil and gas and more than half (53%) doubt renewables will expand enough to make the difference.

Warm This Winter spokesperson Caroline Simpson said: “As the latest price cap rise means energy bills will be 67% above what they were in winter 2020/21 we need long term solutions.

“We have 8.8 million adults living in cold damp homes, exposed to the health complications that come from living in fuel poverty and while we welcome recent initiatives from Ofgem, insulation and ramping up renewables to get us off volatile oil and gas for good, is what we need.

“That has overwhelming support from people in the UK with eight in 10 backing an increase in the construction of offshore wind turbines and solar panel farms and three quarters (74%) supporting onshore wind farms. We urge the Government to get on with the job they have started on that road to permanently lowering bills for all.”

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